4. Davoser Abend OL (30/08/2017)
Category: Träning
Map/area: Flüelapass
Organiser: OLG Davos
Used the last real warm day of the summer to go to a small competition in my "region". Did run in the area just once at national race some time ago. Remember it to be really stony, wich it was today too. But it was really nice to run without the pressure/need to run fast and be a bit more carefull on the stones. Enjoyed it very much. Had a good begining but tired legs so took its easy. Problems started at control 12 where it was really hard to tell wich small depression was mapped and had a control in it ;). Afterwards I left the control area way to high (wich maybe was because the control was place to far up?!). Wasnt carefull enough towards control 16 and decided to early that what I saw was the small hill in front of the control. Should have checked the compass or the stream wich I should have follwed along. Continued to be a bit off on the next few controls. Just couldnt match the terrain and map all the time. It was quite tricky to read the contours beneath the stony grey areas on the map too. Got some wet feet at the end when we had to cross some knee deep water streams. Anyway, it was fun! :D
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4. Davoser Abend OL (30/08/2017) 4. Davoser Abend OL (30/08/2017)