MOM 2017 (2017-09-09)
Categoría: Tävling
Mapa/área: Schwägalp
Organizador: ol regio wil
Disciplina: Mittel
Swiss Championship in middle distance. Had a rather good start, but struggeld already towards the first control in really deep muddy terrain. My legs didnt felt so fresh already after some meters in there. Was a bit afraid to run down straight that really steep and muddy hillside after 3. So started to run a bit right but felt that it wasnt faster so continued straight down. Somehow still had in my mind that i corrected a bit towards right so got a bit unsure of my actual position on the map and corrected towards left when I thought I could match something in the terrain with the map. Started to do a parallel error and just couldnt relocate where I ended up because it was flatter there than I would have guessed from the map. Finally found my control when the guy who started 2min behind almost had caught me already. Followed him afterwards a bit since he had the higher speed, but did my own orienteering. Got split on the butterfly loops afterwards and didnt expected to see him again since I did some small mistakes in the control circles and also some not so smart routechoices where I tried to save some climb instead of attack it straight away. Since the guy who caught me did a mistake on his loops I finished mine just before him and we continued together. Tried to push hard at the end to not get overtaken by him again wich worked out. GPS-Tracking:
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MOM 2017 (2017-09-09) MOM 2017 (2017-09-09)